Regenorchester XVII

This event has already taken place.

Franz Hautzinger - trumpet, electronics
Christian Fennesz - guitar, laptop, electronics
Martin Siewert - guitar, electronic devices
Jakob Schneidewind - bass
Lukas König - drums, electronics

"Whoever I play with is a matter of the soul," Frank Hautzinger once said. With his “Rain Orchestra” XVII, the trumpeter, who is now living in Vienna again and is equally at home in the experimental improv scene as well as "in electronics, with abstracts, in new music, with jazzers and avant-gardists, with ethnic music," brings a band with electronics artist Christian Fennesz, guitarist Martin Siewert from "Radian" (see also there), classically trained "Elektro Guzzi" bassist Jakob Schneidewind and drummer Lukas König, who performed the opening concert last year and was "Artist in Residence" in 2019. "It sounds awake and threatening," writes jazzenzo. "Rain and sunshine at the same time. An amusement park in hell."
Otto Gruber Halle
Mittergasse 18
5760 Saalfelden