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„Distorted Rooms“


Martin Siewert - guitar, electronics
Manu Mayr - bass
Martin Brandlmayr - drums

If you like Radian's current album "Distorted Rooms", you should also be interested in Floating Points with Pharoah Sanders or the Radiohead side project The Smile, according to bandcamp. For almost thirty years, drummer Martin Brandlmayer, bassist John Norman, ably subbed by Manu Mayr in Saalfelden, and guitarist Martin Siewert (see also Regenorchester XVII) have been doing their sound-research at the forefront of the Viennese electronic scene. Their complex, checked out, even "unique and absolutely independent sense of microtonality" results in minimalist big beats between lo-fi hip hop and avant noise. Rhythmic head nodding also stimulates the blood’s flow to the brain, by the way.
Otto Gruber Halle
Mittergasse 18
5760 Saalfelden