Purple Muscle Car

This event has already taken place.

Fabian Rucker – alto saxophone
Yvonne Moriel – saxophone
Philipp Nykrin – keyboards
Herbert Pirker – drums

Do yourself a favor and don't type this band name into an Internet search. You run the risk of being bothered for weeks by over-powered automobiles and their exhaust noise (now also in electric vehicles via organ technology!). It is much more advisable to see a concert by this band project of Austrian saxophone-sound-bodybuilder Fabian Rucker. His new quartet with instrumental-athletic colleague Yvonne Moriel, keyboard tuner Philipp Nykrin and drummer Herbert "Hercules" Pirker expands Rucker's rocking trio Namby Pamby Boy "in a causal connection to contemporary jazz further towards electronics, rock and hip hop," as the band's info says.
Kunsthaus Nexus
Am Postplatz 1
5760 Saalfelden