Millà / Gustafsson / dieb13

This event has already taken place.
Spain, Sweden, Austria

Jordina Millà - piano
Mats Gustafsson - saxophone
dieb13 - turntables, electronics

It's okay if it hurts, when these three work together. Austro-Catalan improvisational pianist Jordina Millà, Austrian noise-worker Dieter Kovačič alias dieb13, about whom you can find out a lot on his "experimental music internet platform", and Swedish saxophonist Mats Gustafsson flirt with electroacoustic pain therapy. Comic artist and jazz record collector Robert Crumb once wrote to the latter: "What in God's name is going on in your head that you would want to make such noises on a musical instrument?" Anyone who, like Gustafsson himself, who once published this conversation with Crumb as liner notes to one of his albums, takes this as a compliment, is welcome to let this trio clear their ears and heads.
Kunsthaus Nexus
Am Postplatz 1
5760 Saalfelden