Haptic Harmonies

This event has already taken place.
USA, Austria

Pamelia Stickney - theremin
Peter Rom - guitar

Increasing digitization and virtualization are playing into the hands of haptic experiences: people increasingly want to understand through touch - and be touched through understanding. A fine example are the "haptic harmonies" that characterize this duo of theremin virtuoso Pamelia Stickney and guitarist Peter Rom. Their delicate interplay sounds otherworldly beautiful and the singing tone of the electronic theremin, in which the tone and notes are controlled without any contact via movements detected by electrodes, in combination with the warm guitar sounds sometimes sounds like a science fiction soundtrack. However: "The sound painting always remains concrete," promise Stickney and Rom, who can also be heard elsewhere at the festival with Blueblut or the Synesthetic Orchestra, for instance.
Ramseiderstraße 5
5760 Saalfelden am Steinernern Meer